Monday, December 29, 2008

The One Stop Shop

There is nothing like being on holiday. Ive done nothing but wander around, party gretts and commit gluttony. I'm quiting smoking for 09 so this vacation has sort of been a long kiss good bye if you will. My father decided to spend a few days with us, he hasn't been down south in over 20 years so it was quite a joy for him especially getting out of the snow. We headed to Orlando for a little family "fun" for the holidays, I emphasize the word fun. My uncle was throwing a little Xmas shin-dig at his place. Its been some time now since Ive seen my parents in the same room together, quite weird and certainly shocking. Everyone behaved themselves and it turned out OK. I told D i wasn't going to attend unless someone brought a bottle of that Fussy Pussy.

The next day we strolled around O-town for a bit. Here's what you get when you mix Colt 45, a 50 yard street curb and some paint. Apparently its pretty "Eazy"

We stopped over at A. Rudi Cuellar's Lock for a look at the new shop.

witnessed a parade

We dropped pops off at the airport and ended the evening with a well balanced meal, containing all the major food groups.

D couldn't get enough shopping in before Christmas so she went back for more, only this time dragged me along with her. I opted to bring T-pain with me for some company while she engrossed in retail hell.


We did all we could do and saw all there is to see in second largest tourist attraction in the country, so we headed home. The drive was as pleasant as could be especially when everyone in the car is sleeping. Must be nice

I'm using this guy for my next plumbing and or A/C repair

In closing

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