Thursday, December 11, 2008


So I've decided to give blogging a go and see what all the hype is about. I hear blogging is like keeping a journal of some sort only in this case the whole world can view it. I figure if someone finds pleasure or entertainment in reading about my daily struggles and my obnoxious antics then more power to 'em.

I work for a lighting manufacture and they have me on the road quite a bit. Its pretty cool, i get to go to a plethora of cool places, some cooler than others (figuratively and physically speaking). The downside is I'm away from home, my girlfriend, and the chihuahua (T-Pain). The gig does pay the bills so i think I'll hold on to it for a while. I'm off to North Creek tomorrow, a small town in the Adirondack Mt's. Aside from freezing my ass off (8 degrees) and conducting a little business I am looking forward to to hitting some fresh powder, snow that is. I haven't been snowboarding in ions so for sure I'm going to enjoy this trip. After NY, its a short drive to VT for some good clean fun with the Dark Star crew. The name of this company was most definitely taken from a Grateful Dead song but i cant help but think what else resembles "The Dark Star" if you know what i mean. They just bought a bunch of our latest MACs so i think a night out in the Green State is in order.

This whole blogging idea isn't such a bad one after all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention how you love all things cock!