Sunday, November 20, 2011

In not so many words...

Why is it that too much time passes between our encounters? Could it be I care not to converse with you any more? Unlikely. Could it be there is never enough time in the day to meet? Maybe so. Or is that I've been sucked into this vicious vortex you all like to call life.

Whatever the case may be, it's still and always will be a pleasure to see you again!

Lately I've been living this transient lifestyle, traveling from coast to coast and selective places in between. I can't say it's dismal but it does put a bend in any type of social life. It's troubling, as I can't always roll with an entourage.

L.A. traffic sends its warmest regards.

Both Oct. and Nov. have proven to be some busy months. I rocked a show with ¡Mayday!, spent and evening with some old friends and met a new one.

I just returned from Dallas. To what I thought would be a rather boring trip, considering it's Tx turned out to be quite enjoyable.

I still think...

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