Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wake me when its over

Much to say for the month of March. I'll choose not to bore you with the details, mostly because I'm too lazy to transfer my thoughts to my finger tips but mainly because you probably wouldn't give a fuck anyways. There is however one event that closed the month out which deserves mention. My good pal Marcel's nuptial.

It was one of those shuffle board playing....

Chuck Taylor wearing...

kids playing with fire....

beach kind of weddings.

It was a beauteous wedding, one in which I was proud to be a part of. All was perfect except a bit dark in some areas, I took the liberty of lighting up a palm here and there. Why? because I can.

When you attend weddings, the bride and groom always express their many thanks and appreciation for taking the time to celebrate their special day with them, which of course they so eloquently did. But in this case, I'd like to switch things up a bit and thank them. Not only for the great eats, entertainment and good company but for more so the chance to enjoy the...

As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

So, here's to you Amanda and Marcel

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