Monday, February 2, 2009

New Horizons

It was a new week, a fresh start, and another 6am flight. The only good that comes from getting on early flights is viewing epic sunrises and confirmed upgrades.

I flew to NY for my monthly visit. Things started off well until an approaching cold front blew through bringing with it cold, ice, snow, and rain. It seems as though this system creeped up the entire eastern seaboard because when i left MIA it was 48 degrees. So essentially, i left home in 48 degrees and flew to NY where its 28 degrees, WTF! I always love going back home however, when i enter said temperatures I'm reminded why i left in the first place.

The trip went well, very well actually. I closed a large project that I've been working on for quite a while, so that was ravishing. I chewed the fat with some dealers, met some designers and was even able to fit in a Ranger game in the mix.

Wed night i went out with a client who, to my surprise happens to know quite a few people in the R&B industry. He took me to this joint called "The Sugar Bar" It was in this bar that i brushed shoulders with people like Nick Ashford, Valerie Simpson, and that black dude from the Village people (brother of Valerie Simpson) I was totally not expecting that one. We shot the shit, spoke about Motown, Marvin Gaye, what have you. What can i say, that's just how i roll.

The final evening of the trip was a fruitful one. I met up with the great Ali Bale who is currently out with the Kings. They played the Garden for the first time and judging by the sold out crowd, it was pretty fucking cool.

The trip was a good one and i was glad to head back to warmer climates, or so i thought

In closing

i think I'm going to get the hell out

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