Monday, June 8, 2009

Paths less traveled

I'm starting fresh, a face lift if you will on the many events and tasks that will ultimately change my life forever. My apologies if I become a Beef Dick.

photo: ML

This weekend lead me to the wonders of grocery shopping, seeking multiple items from each of the 5 major food groups. Quite honestly I only went to the store because D made me, still fun be that as it may. It was at the store, that I decided to start shooting everything in series. I'll let you know how that works for me.





The Gatorade

Work has been a bit of a vortex lately, good thing is I'm on holiday in 2 weeks. It will be a week filled with nothing which is absolutely glorious.

Well, maybe I'll try and squeeze in a little bible study on one of my many late night trips to DnD.

1 comment:

Marcel said...

Listen Beef Dick! Only Europeans can say they're going "on holiday" without sounding like total douche bags. If I ever hear you refer to a vacation as "going on holiday" ever again, I'm going to beat you about the neck and face!