Sunday, January 18, 2009


I managed not to get hit by any foul balls but i sure did freeze mine. Baltimore was a biting 10 degrees for all 3 days i was there. I was indoors for most of the time except when walking from the hotel to venue which was like 5 blocks.

Due to inaugural preparations most cost effective hotels were booked which left all luxury high rise ones up for grabs. When i wasn't enduring frigid temperatures and showing off high profile luminaries, i was nestled away in my corner unit on the 18th floor, they always seem to stick me at the end of the hallway though.

When walking to the venue i noticed this building so called the World Trade Center Baltimore. Being a native of New York their really is no comparison and they should highly consider changing the name, its quite embarrassing.

The presentation went pretty well. There's nothing like lighting up a 1.3 million gallon fish tank.

and its occupants

The demo was broken up into two parts, morning and evening. So that left me some time in the middle to go wander the establishment. Now I'm not a big fan of these or any animals being locked up for viewing purposes but there was definitely some cool things to be seen at the National Aquarium

I bet you fuckers taste really good

What I found to be interesting was how they managed to upkeep 4 different habitats in one facility.

Hi Mom!

There were two unique ways to discover our animal world - with a colorful kaleidoscope viewer and through original programming. I chose the kaleidoscope viewer

After viewing all those fish i could not help but to indulge in some fresh seafood. I found G+Ms for some old school seafood delight.

Baltimore was pretty cool, a lot of history. However, I could not find Ace of Cakes which was a bit upsetting.

In closing

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